Team challenge
Focus on team spirit and team building
Whether you are a group of friends that has know each other since middle school or if you’re a mixed group that only have the groom/bride in common, then a TEAM CHALLENGE will be a great way to shake your group up. In the team challenge department we focus on coordination, communication and team building with a capital T. You can tailor your own event from our 10 activities that go from 0-35 meters.
A popular setup contains of 1-2 activities for the entire group and finishes off with a little “special treat” for the groom or bride. Big swing starts with one step out from a platform in 35 meters, followed by 10 meters of free falling and then swinging though the entire B&W shipyard.
Read more about our Team Challenge activities and watch videoes of them HERE. Create your own tailored event and fill out the contact formular.